The Ginger Pig

The Ginger Pig

I’m absolutely useless at keeping surprises. Ask anyone who knows me. I’m the one who tells the gift recipient at Christmas what’s in the present just before they open it. I’m the one who gets told not to say anything and does. I’m not malicious, I just get so excited that my emotions overtake my tongue and it’s a bit like a ‘surprise Tourettes’, it involuntarily blurts out. I was so excited driving past the Askew Road the other day that I stopped the car, grabbed my Bloggie and jumped out and began taking pictures. For those of you who wanted to see an official unveiling, I apologise in advance but for those who really didn’t believe my post that The Ginger Pig was coming to Shepherds Bush this is the evidence for those doubting Thomases.

Talking of which, I met a Thomas outside the soon-to-be-shop. Thomas Bothamley is the skilled West Yorkshire man responsible for transforming all the GP shops. Tom is the joiner, interior contractor and project manager who is currently turning the former furniture shop on Askew Road into another GP. He works with a team of guys who travel down to work on all the GP shops to give them their uniqueness.

The shop has had white hoardings and “to let,” signs on the front for as long as I can remember. So I just had to go and chat to Tom.

He kindly let me into the shop to take a few snaps, once we’d established I wasn’t from the HSE (poor joke, officials I can confirm all safety precautions and hard hats were in place at the time of visiting).

It’s a large double-fronted unit and on the left of the shop they’re fitting the butchery and on the right will be the cold meats section. So, here’s the evidence that this amazing butchers shop is actually coming to W12 and I’ll keep you up-to-date with more pictures as the work progresses. The shop opens on the 5th October.

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