Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum & Raisin Baked Cheesecake Recipe

Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum & Raisin Baked Cheesecake Recipe

This boozy, rum-fuelled cheesecake is luxurious and simple to make, perfected with Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum.


12 digestive biscuits 

50g/1¾oz butter, melted

600g/21oz full fat, cream cheese

2tbsp plain flour

175g/6oz caster sugar

5 drops vanilla extract

2 free range medium-sized eggs, plus the yolk from an extra egg

285ml soured cream

150g raisins//5½oz soaked in 100ml/3½fl oz Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum

2tbsp icing sugar.


Preheat the oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4. Grease and line a 20cm/8in springform cake tin.

Crush the biscuits in a plastic bag with a rolling-pin, or if you have a food processor, whizz them up in there. Transfer to a clean bowl and stir in the melted butter.

Crushed biscuits

Press the mixture into the cake tin and bake in the oven for five minutes.


Crushed, baked biscuits

Beat the cream cheese with the flour, sugar, vanilla extract, whole eggs, egg yolk and half the soured cream until light and fluffy.

Cheesecake mixture

Raisins into cheesecake mix

Add the raisins soaked in rum, pour onto the biscuit base and bake for 30 minutes.

Steeped raisins

Mix the rest of the soured cream with the icing sugar, pour over the cheesecake and bake for a further 10 minutes or until the filling is set but still slightly wobbly. Remove from the oven, let cool then chill in the fridge until ready to serve.

Cheesecake prior to bakingFinished cheesecake

Deep rum and raisin cheesecake

Sliced cheesecake

Apologies for the less than fancy image here of the ‘cut’.  I took it into the office and used a plastic Pret knife to cut it – obviously if you used something sharper it would have cut cleaner and looked beautiful.  Even a plate would have added something to the food styling but us journos don’t stand on ceremony!

If you fancy escaping this rain, but can’t get to Jamaica, read my review of this wonderful hotel in Belfast here.